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2 Jun, 2022

5 Steps to Solve HR Issues with Spectra’s Attendance Management System

“With great power comes great responsibility.” Uncle Ben’s iconic advice wasn’t just meant for Peter Parker – it encapsulated everyone who carried the burden of duties and commitments. If we bring corporate organizational structures into play, there’s one such job role that is loaded with a host of important responsibilities: Human Resource Management. With this blog, we attempt to clarify the depths in which the HRs must dwell and how they use tools like the attendance management system to ease their tasks.

HR teams not only search and hire candidates who are the best fit for the organization but also manage them throughout the elaborate employee life cycle. Without proper means to do that, managing employees would become extremely difficult and may cost the company time as well as money.

With changing times, the functions of the HR department keep changing – they add & evolve. And with the recent pandemic keeping everyone on tenterhooks, economies have been suffering a lot. As revival strategies kick in, jobs and jobseekers will become active, probably with even more enthusiasm. For that, talent acquisition personnel will have to be on their feet, equipped with all the latest tools and techs.

The access control system and attendance management system streamline and automate the duties of the HR department and ensure smooth functioning across the company. Let’s understand how exactly these systems solve the challenges human resource personnel face at work.

To know how important a time and attendance management system is for an organization, click here.

The Challenges of The Job

Before finding the right solution, we must understand the problem we have to solve. Besides minding smaller, everyday tasks, the employee life cycle involves a lot of monitoring of the employee’s attendance and activities at work, keeping track of the leaves and outdoor duties he/she has applied for, and processing payroll based on accurate attendance and performance stats.

Some of the common challenges faced by HRs are:

  • Ill-defined hierarchy and workflow
  • Confusing access rules and limited access control
  • Unclear workplace policies and poor tracking
  • Scattered employee data over various files and/or platforms
  • Disorganized shift schedules
  • Inaccurate data on employees’ attendance and performance
  • Deficient, complicated reports

In a broader context, some of the biggest duties of an HR manager are recruitment, retention and motivation, leadership development, and implementing the company’s culture. These duties become challenges when there’s a lack of proper workflow and technological resources.

Time And Attendance Management System To The Rescue

One of the best tools in an HR manager’s arsenal is a modern biometric attendance system designed to monitor the attendance patterns of employees as well as analyze their efficiency. This, in the long run, maintains the organization’s workflow and enables smooth operations which is the ultimate goal.

Various attendance management systems and biometric devices in the market establish varying degrees of automation, but the one thing that they all do is cut down the unnecessarily exhausting task of maintaining paperwork and disorganized data.

What kind of biometric devices are available in the market for HRs? Click here to know all about it.

Solving HR Issues with Spectra’s Attendance Management System

At Spectra, we understand the rapidly changing business environments and design attendance and access control systems that can cope with any kind of security and access requirement.

A feature-rich biometric attendance system does a lot of things, but its core function is to simplify operations and make things easier. And isn’t that just what everyone wants in life? To handle employee operations from 9-to-5, Spectra’s advanced time and attendance management system performs the following duties on behalf of HR personnel:

1. Generates Accurate and Transparent Reports with Payroll Inputs

With accurate reports of employees’ attendance and working patterns, the HR team gets proper insight to make important decisions. Moreover, Spectra’s attendance management system can assist in processing payroll effectively as it easily integrates with third-party payroll software.

By facilitating employees with accessing their own time and attendance records, the HR department builds transparency. This helps the organization in two ways. First, it becomes simpler for the HRs to track individual performance to take legitimate decisions regarding the individual’s progress at the company. Second, it helps employees understand how HRs use their attendance data. In this way, they are aware of their own performance and the incentive they receive. It also gives them the sense that they receive equal treatment and are not subject to any biases.

2. Manages Employee Shift Schedules

Spectra’s Human Resource Management System — iApp has a great shift management feature that gives you the freedom to schedule shifts and tracks them electronically to avoid confusion. If your business is spread over more than one location, you can easily schedule multiple shifts based on departments, employee groups, or office locations, and have user-defined categories for further segregation. This attendance management system from Spectra also allows employees to select from unlimited shift schedules under the option of Shift Support.

Even the data regarding shift rosters being stored locally in Excel sheets can be uploaded to iApp, minimizing waste of time. In this way, the data of all employees can be maintained centrally and can be accessed by anyone at any time.

3. Manages Employee Applications for Leaves, Late/Early Attendance, etc.

Configuring the early and late policies in iApp helps to maintain the punctuality of the employee. Such measures also balance the workforce of the organization and provide proper insights to the HR department. With a week-off policy configuration, the HRs can easily set the working hours and the working days of an employee. This helps them to regularize the leaves of the employees without compromising the productivity of the company. When the leaves are properly structured, it becomes easier for the HRs to manage any sort of emergency.

Synchronizing iApp with Spectra’s biometric devices for punching in and out of the office will record the employee’s exact time of arrival and departure, along with the access point (door) used. In this way, along with attendance, Spectra’s access control system is also actively put to work for your office’s all-around security.

4. Monitors Employee Activities Throughout the Premises

Spectra’s biometric attendance system provides extensive integration possibilities with Spectra’s visitor management, canteen management, and access control system. This way, the admin or the owner knows exactly who is present in which area of the office complex, and with what purpose. One of the unique facilities of Spectra’s attendance management system is that you can pre-register visitors and pre-book meeting rooms as per the time slots available – no individual can be present inside your office premises without reason and beyond his/her allotted time.

With futuristic access control biometric devices, Spectra helps you manage flawless entry and exit movements. The access control systems can show you if a person has entered the premises but not exited. They can alert you if a particular door has remained open beyond the specified time limit. With such strict access protocols, you can ensure foolproof security of your employees and assets.

5. Defines Hierarchy and Workflow

A company with a large workforce cannot run its business effectively without a hierarchical structure. Multiple layers of hierarchy within the organization have multiple levels of management that are connected through a chain of command. These levels increase and become more complex as the organization expands. Naturally, managing the hierarchy and making every new joiner understand it properly cannot be done via manual methods. Spectra’s time and attendance management system has the feature to define authority levels of the organization so that every employee becomes aware of his/her reporting managers and the flow of hierarchy in which work is supposed to happen.

For example, in iApp, you can assign roles, add or remove managers, and set authority levels for reporting, all this under one solution for every employee to see. This builds transparency and also clearly defines the workflow so that any deviation from the hierarchical arrangement can be quickly detected and addressed.

The Age of Newer, Biometric Attendance Systems

These points just skim the top of what Spectra’s solutions actually do for the HR department. They take care of all the nitty-gritties that might get forgotten when there’s a huge pile of high-priority tasks waiting. Automating the employee life cycle takes quite a huge burden off the hands of HR personnel, freeing them to use their time more constructively, like scouting suitable talent for the company, handling more employee grievances, and creating and implementing better workplace policies or events. Of course, the long-term results would be a significant increase in productivity and employee morale, better retention rates, and overall improvement of the office environment.

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