E-waste Management

E-Waste Management Policy


Under Spectra Technovision (India) Pvt. Ltd. (STIPL) policy and the latest legislation passed recently by the honorable Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), also known as e-waste (management & handling) Rules, 2016, which comes into effect from 1st Oct 2016, STIPL is glad to be part of this e-waste recycling initiative and agree to abide by all the rules related to e-waste management in order to minimize the harmful impact of Attendance Device; Access Control Device; Bio-Metric Device and their components.

We understand that our responsibility doesn’t end at selling you our products and their components are made of hazardous constituents. STIPL has been working in the area of safe disposal of electronic waste and has partnered with Greentech Recycling, electronic disposal company to comply with e-waste management and handling rules in providing environmentally sound management of end of life electronics.

Greentech Recycling – As part of this partnership, the company will provide e-waste drop off centres and ensure environmentally sound management of electronics that have reached their end of life phase. Greentech Recycling has obtained all the necessary authorizations from the appropriate governmental agencies for their processing facilities. Greentech Recycling ensures proper recycling and disposal of e-waste. This helps us protect the environment from any hazardous consequences, which would be otherwise caused by the inappropriate waste management of e-waste.


  1. Ensure that only Authorized Recyclers/Dismantler handle your electronic (i.e. Attendance Device; Access Control Device; Bio-Metric Device and their components) products.
  2. Always call at our Contact No’s to Dispose products that have reached end-of life.
  3. Always drop your used electronic products, batteries or any accessories when they reach the end of their life at your nearest authorized e-waste collection points.
  4. Always disconnect the battery from product, and ensure any glass surface is protected against breakage.


  1. Do not dismantle your electronic products on your own.
  2. Do not throw electronics in bins having “Do not Dispose” sign.
  3. Do not give e-waste to informal and unorganized sectors like Local Scrap Dealer/ Rag Pickers.
  4. Do not dispose your product in garbage bins along with municipal waste that ultimately reaches landfills.

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