Mifare Card Reader - XsPoint Side

Spectra’s XsPoint EM/Mifare is built for high-performance for Mifare read-only cards with its compact and high-on-aesthetics build. It offers a consistent read-range of up to 7cm in most conditions. The Mifare reader is particularly suited to access control applications; it can be easily mounted on walls and doors. XsPoint is available in multiple variants like XP-P1/P2 and XP-M1/M2. It allows access control only via proximity and Mifare cards respectively.

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Secure OSDP Reader Interface

XP Point supports the standard OSDP communication protocol with AE128-bit encryption to ward off all intervention attacks. The OSDP reader interface enables reader monitoring and control, and the device is laced with LED indicators for various events.

High Performance With Lifetime Warranty

XsPoint, the contactless EM/Mifare reader is built for high-performance for Mifare read-only cards with its compact and high-on-aesthetics build. It offers a consistent read-range of up to 7cm in most conditions and comes with a lifetime warranty.

Mifare Card Reader - XsPoint With IP65

Completely Safe & Protected

Designed with IP65 standards of protection, XsPoint gives an all-round protection from dust particles, rainwater, airborne pollutants, and other environmental threats. It also triggers alarms in case someone tries to fiddle with it.

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Mifare Card Reader - XsPoint Bottom

Tricolor LED

Visual Indication of Tricolor LED for signalling and control of various operations. Configure different event indicators for enhanced security.

Multiple EM/Mifare Tag Support

Supports multiple tags like EM4100, TK4100, JH4101, EM4101, and Mifare Classic 1K/4K, Ultralight, Desfire, Mifare Plus, Smart Card.


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